Saturday, January 24, 2009

Advanced Algebra/Trig Lesson 8.1: THE EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION


This lesson introduces us to the exponential function: y = ab^x.If b > 1, the equation represents exponential growth.if 0 < b < 1, the equation represents exponential decay (also known as depreciation)In this equation, b is called the "growth factor", or the "decay factor". In real world applications b = 1 + r (where r is the rate as a decimal). In depreciation problems, r is negative. In growth problems, r is positive.a represents the y-intercept of the graph. (0,a).draft 1/24/09 by Mrs. S.
Posted by Mrs. S. .

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Advanced Algebra/Trig Lesson chapter 7

In chapter 7, we are reviewing how to simplify radical expressions and solve radical equations. If you have questions about a homework problem, leave a comment.
Mrs. S