Friday, September 5, 2008

Adv. Alg./Trig Lesson 8.1

Advanced Algebra Trig Lesson 8.1 EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS

This lesson introduces us to the exponential function: y = ab^x.
If b > 1, the equation represents exponential growth.
if 0 < b < 1, the equation represents exponential decay (also known as depreciation)

In this equation, b is called the "growth factor", or the "decay factor". In real world applications b = 1 + r (where r is the rate as a decimal). In depreciation problems, r is negative. In growth problems, r is positive.

a represents the y-intercept of the graph. (0,a).
draft 1/24/09 by Mrs. S.


Caitlin Goode said...

I understand lesson 8.1 about growth factors and decay factors. I completed the homework for this section, and it was easier because we got to work witht he people in our group.

Mrs. S. said...

I'm glad that the work was understandable. Sometimes we learn a lot from our group members.