Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Both classes have a quiz Thursday and a test on Friday, Nov. 21.
AAT (1st and 4th)
AAT Quiz and Test will cover Trig lessons 1.5 - 1.8 with review problems from 1.1 - 1.4.
Don't forget to bring your completed "BINGO" REVIEW Assignment on Thursday. After discussion of the review we will take our quiz using the SENTEO response system.
You may use the remainder of the class to study for Friday's test in your groups...

PAPPC (3rd block)
Thursday, you will complete the 2.2 - 3.2 quiz. After discussing the quiz, we will review bearings and do the 'ON THE WALL' review problems in the yellow hall.

If time permits, we will also discuss the first lesson in our next unit on Polar Functions. (Bring your Precal Book to class)
Your test FRiday will have 15 problems from chap. 3 and two review problems from chap 2. (Go to first lunch Friday). After FRiday's test, you will do the chapter 3 homework check and begin working the first assignment from the Polar Functions unit.

If you have any questions, post a comment.
Mrs. S

Monday, November 17, 2008

Advanced Algebra/Trig Lesson 1.7
Inverse trig functions
Y = Arcsin X
range [-pi/2, pi/2]
If x is a negative number, the angle y is a positive Quad I angle.
If x is a positive number, the angle y is a negative Quad IV angle.
Y can also equal -pi/2, 0, and pi/2

Y = Arctan X
range (-pi/2, pi/2)
If x is a positive number, the angle y is a positive Quad I angle.
If x is a negative number, the angle y is a negative Quad IV angle.
Y can also equal 0. Note that the range excludes -pi/2 an pi/2 as values for y.

Y = Arccos X
range [0,pi]
If x is a positive number, the angle y is a positive Quad I angle.
If x is a negative number, the angle y is a positive Quad Ii angle.

2. For problems such as sin(arcsin 1/2) the answer is 1/2. Rationale: If the trig function is outside the parenthesis, the trig function and the inverse cancel one another out.
3. for problems such as arcsin (sin 3pi) YOU CANNOT CANCEL
Work inside the parenthesis first to get 0. Next find arcsin 0.
Solution: Y = 0.

I will be online between 7 and 9 pm tonight. The time on this blog is not set correctly, so you will need to look at you clock to know if I will be online.

Important stuff: Quiz Thursday on 1.5 - 1.8
Test Friday on 1.5 - 1.8 with major review problems from 1.1 - 1.4

See ya'll tomorrow
Mrs. S

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Do you need help with your Calculus Fall work? Leave a comment with specific details regarding what your understand and what you need help with.
Students may help one another online and occasionally I will give online help. If you help another student online, you will receive bonus credit in AP next spring. (of course, all information you share must be accurate)

Thanks for all of your hard work.
:) Mrs. S.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Greetings everyone,
How was class today? I'm sure that all of you worked hard in your groups and helped one another. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. I will be online until around 10 pm to help you. Be sure to read the notes I left on the board regarding pacing yourself on the test. If you know the objectives and how to work all types of problems you will do fine. You have 45 minutes for part I (no calc.) and 45 minutes for part II (Calculator, 9 application problems).
Part I is the basics: simple stuff like graphs of sinusoids, coterminal angles, and inverse trig function problems like arcsin (sin PI). On part II, you may see a bearing problem and a harmonic motion problem in addition to the "basic" triangle trig word problems.
Good Luck! I'd love to hear from you:)

Advanced Algebra/Trig 1.1 - 1.4 Test Help

Hello everyone,
I have spent today in Montgomery at the State Dept. of Education. We are working on the new Math Course of Study for the state of Alabama. I hope your review time in class today went well and that you are using the Study Guide I gave you on Monday. If you are unsure how to do a problem, read the tips on the study guide for that objective.
I will be online until 10 pm tonight. If you have any questions, leave a comment and I will help you. Study well and do your bet tomorrow!
Mrs. S